This week has seen shocking news.  The  events in Manchester have been as appalling as they are incomprehensible and words cannot express our grief. On the other side of the world, in South Africa, less reported was the attack by rioters on LIV village.  For those who are unfamiliar with LIV, it is a village set up to house and educate orphaned children and to provide them with love and care. The complex includes a factory and training facilities, offering jobs and skills in the local community. It is well known to those of us who attend Soul Survivor which supports it.  Unable to to reach the children, the rioters vandalised the facilities in an act just as incomprehensible in its way as Manchester.

Two terrible events with little in common except this: they were senseless and violent attacks on children and young people.

Last week the NISCU team were privileged to spend a couple of days on retreat, enjoying a time to fellowship together and to seek God.  Since that time, a phrase from an old Ian White song has kept reverberating in my mind. Based on Psalm 48:8-14, it says this: Tell the children. Tell them about the Lord.

Romans 12:21 says: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”. How might we do this? I respectfully suggest that this is one way: pray for the children, tell the children, tell them about the Lord.

Psalms 48:13-14
consider well…
that you may tell of them
to the next generation.
For this God is our God for ever and ever;
he will be our guide even to the end.