Resources for youth

Fortnightly schedule – This is link to the daily tasks for reading the bible.



Term 2
Term 3

This page is here to support mentors of our Deep and Leap courses.

Use the buttons left to navigate. If you have any problems then please email


Help...I've signed up to be a mentor but I have no idea what to do !!


Hopefully, if you have been asked by one of the youth on the course, then the difficult bit is already done!

So, here is a basic run down of what the course entails for you as a mentor.

  1. You will need to help your youth to keep keeping on. To stay on the course when they feel like other things are crowding in. They have obviously come to you to help because there is already some kind of respect/relationship there, and you need to build on this to help them continue their walk in God.
  2. Every fortnight we will give the youth a new bible reading. They have a fortnightly schedule to pull different things out of the passage each day, and they will be given some questions to use as a basis to talk to you about. We recommend that you also do the fortnightly schedule yourself with the Bible passages, as this will help you to think about what your answers could be, when they come and talk to you.
How often do I need to meet up with them?...and where?


So the brief answer to this is…follow your church policy on meeting with and supporting young people…

A copy of our guidelines are here. Deep and Leap Mentor guidelines.pdf


NISCU is a private limited company in England/Wales, number 7203313, and as a Charity Number 1135880.