Session 1:

Being a Disciple



Gospels are not written like a history text book such as the ones you read in school.  No learning of dates here!  But they are written so people could know about Jesus – what He did; what happened to Him: and what He taught.  They were primarily for people to read so that they could become Disciples of Jesus.  So if you want to become a Disciple of Jesus, the Gospels are a good place to start, and we will look at various things Jesus did as well as what he taught.


Key Words


Disciple:  Another word for Disciple is ‘Learner’ or ‘Follower’  A disciple of Christ is someone who follows Jesus AND looks for other people who can follow Jesus too.  Being a disciple can be costly – check out what Peter and his brother Andrew had to give up in order to follow Jesus.



How much do YOU want to be a Disciple of Jesus?  You might want to read some more about being a Disciple – try this scripture for starters:  Luke 14v25-29
