Giving to NISCU with Amazon

Click to the right, or read the instructions below to learn how to set up your smile amazon account.

1. Visit


2. Log in

… to your account, or create a new one.

3. Pick your charity

Type NISCU into the ‘pick your charity’ box

4. 'Select' the charity

Click on the ‘Select’ button by the side of where it says ‘Northern Inter-Schools Christian Union’.

5. Shop

Click through the rest of the procedure until you see a ‘normal’ amazon page and shop!!

Thank You

Now, 0.5% of any money you sepnd through amazon will come to NISCU.

A BIG thank you from all of the team at NISCU.

First things first, visit
Then login into your amazon account, or create a new one if you don’t already have one.
Type in NISCU into the box to pick your charity.

Click on the ‘Select’ button by Northern Inter-Schools Christian Union

Keep on through the rest of the procedures until you get to a ‘normal’ style amazon page. But you will notice that it has the ‘smile amazon’ logo in the top left.

Now when you shop, NISCU will receive 0.5% of any money spent through amazon.