North Lancs

North Lancs

North Lancs

Our team

The NISCU North Lancs team includes five Schools’ Workers, specialising in Primary and Secondary, who work to share knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith as presented in the Bible. Between us we cover an area from Carnforth to Garstang including Lancaster, Morecambe, Heysham, and the many surrounding villages.


We can offer:

RE lessons, Assemblies/Worship, Lunch time/After school clubs

Online resources, including video assemblies and RE lessons to support the curriculum, (see below),

Worksheets, printable activities and other lesson supports,

Listening Services for Primary and Secondary Schools.


And we run:

A termly Encouragement Evenings for all Christian schools workers (teachers, TAs, governors and other supporters), to meet and have some time out amid the busyness of school life!


For more information as a teacher, student, parent, Church leader or potential volunteer, please use our contact page to talk to one of our staff, who will be glad to answer all your questions.

“The children love to learn about Christian beliefs in an exciting, interactive and age-appropriate way and are always excited and look forward to the assemblies that NISCU give in school!”

(A class teacher from a local community primary school)


Miracle Mondays:

Miracle Mondays – a term time, weekly prayer bulletin sent to your email! If you would like to receive our Miracle Monday weekly prayer letters, email Jonny Bayes



We also produce a termly newsletter. Click the thumbnail for our latest newletter update, and email us to be added to the mailing list!

North Lancs Video Resources!

Whether you are at home or school, you can access our video resources for Primary and Secondary. We’ve handily put them all in one place so they’re easy to find!

Click anywhere in this box to view them…!