Giving to NISCU with 'Give as you live'

Click to the right, or read the instructions below to learn how to set up your account.

1. Visit


2. Log in

… to your account, or create a new one.

3. Pick your charity

Type NISCU’s charity number 1135880 into the ‘choose your charity’ box

4. Shop

Go through the ‘Show me how to get started’ pages …and shop away!!

Thank You

Now, every time you shop through the supporting online stores know you are doing an incredible thing for NISCU.

A BIG thank you from all of the team at NISCU.

First things first, visit

Then login into your giveasyoulive account, or create a new one if you don’t already have one.

Type in NISCU’s charity number ‘1135880‘ into the box to pick your charity.

Work through the ‘Show me how to get started’ pages and know you are doing an incredible thing for NISCU every time you shop.