

2 Corinthians 9:7  “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (NIV)

Thank you to all of you who support us financially – we rely almost entirely on the giving of generous individuals and Churches so your support is vital.

A gift to NISCU is an investment into the next generation, giving the children and young people of our communities the opportunity to explore the Christian faith.  Many of them tell us how this has been a life-changing experience for them, and as a NISCU supporter you are a part of their story.

To start giving, then please use the boxes below to help you on your journey.



All donations, large or small, one-off or regular, are greatly appreciated and will be used in the support of our work in schools.


Bank details:

NISCU (CAF Bank Ltd., 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling,Kent, ME19 4JQ).

Account number: 00019775

Sort Code: 40 52 40

Online Giving

To give online to NISCU.

Use the following details:

  • Account Name: NISCU
  • Account number: 00019775
  • Sort Code: 40 52 40

Use a reference of your surname then your postcode. e.g ‘Klein LA59LE’.

Click on the Gift Aid button to learn more


Online Giving

Whether giving as a one off gift, or regular giving, online giving is the easiest way to make sure that all the money you give goes straight into the work of NISCU .

Postal Giving

To Give Cash or Cheques through the post

Click on this Giving form link, print it off at home, complete and post to

The Financial Administrator

59 Lancaster Road


LA5 9LE.


Postal Giving

Move here to see more info

Please be aware that NISCU can incur a charge when donations are given by cheque, so we recommend giving online where possible.

Allocate your Giving

You could allocate your giving to:

A local Area

Listening Services

Central Admnistration

NISCU General Fund.

Please contact for any other queries

Allocate your Giving

There are many aspects of NISCU that you could allocate your giving to, move here if you would like to see more.

Please email if you need to clarify your allocation.

Gift Aid Giving

To give Gift aid

Either download a giving form, complete the gift aid information and post to us, or

send us an email, giving us permission to to include gift aid on your donation.

Contact for further clarification.

Gift Aid Giving

Giving Gift Aid can add an extra 20% to your gift.

Move here to see more info on how to do this.

Giving a Legacy

If you would like to consider leaving a legacy to NISCU, we recommend that you speak to your legal advisor/will writer to either write a will or to add a codicil to an existing will, providing the following details about NISCU:

Registered Address 57 Lancaster Road, Carnforth, LA5 9LE; Registered Charity number 1135880

Giving a Legacy

Make a difference in schools for generations to come.

Give as you live

Online giving with ‘Give as you live’

Every time you shop online with supporting stores, you will raise money for NISCU without spending any extra money!

Give as you live

Did you know many online stores will give to NISCU every time you shop with them?


Coffee and Tea Buddies

If you choose to be a Coffee and Tea Buddy, then use our online or postal giving methods to forward your donations to us.

Coffee and Tea Buddies

If you choose to be a Coffee and Tea Buddy, then use our online or postal giving methods to forward your donations to us.

Fun Fund days

Raising money.

Click here to access our Fun ideas to raise money in your community for NISCU, and why not share it with a local school too?

Fun Fund days

Ideas to help you have fun and raise money.