

The Eden Schools Worker (Ruth Evans ruth.evans@niscu.org.uk) seeks to work with local Church leaders and other youth and children’s workers across the Eden area in the schools most relevant to them.  She offers assemblies, puppet sessions, lessons & pop-up prayer spaces (see the link to Prayer Spaces In Schools at the side) in Primary and Secondary schools. She is trained in, and has good links with a number of local presenters of, ‘OT Mini’ and ‘NT Mini’, provided by Walk Through The Bible and is happy to set up links for schools. She also offers seasonal lessons – Christmas, Easter, (adapted for year groups) Moving Up – and is also very willing to support schools who are implementing the ‘Understanding Christianity’ scheme. Ruth is very keen to share the message of the Bible with as many young people across the Eden valley as is possible in her 16 hours per week! Please do get in touch if you want to chat to find out more, she loves meeting supporters as much as schools.

Ruth knows that prayer is vital and would encourage as many people as possible to pray for their local school, but also to join collectively in praying for the schools’ work in Eden – we are a geographically large area. If you would be interested in receiving a weekly prayer update please email Ruth directly at ruth.evans@niscu.org.uk with your name and email address, she promises to only use it to send you the weekly prayer email and termly newsletter.

The Area Support Group for NISCU Eden has started meeting to plan strategically for the area, if you are interested in being part of the wider support group for the work in Eden please contact Ruth.

For more information as a teacher, parent, church leader or potential volunteer, please contact Ruth, she will do her best to answer your questions.

Ruth Evans

Ruth Evans

Schools Worker

Andi Taylor

Andi Taylor

Schools Worker

Pre AGM information 2024

For those interested, please find your pre Annual meeting info here.
