
A collection of our weekly reflections,
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Feeling comfort on a damp dark night.

Feeling comfort on a damp dark night.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NLT) All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same...

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Autumnal gifts

Autumnal gifts

According to a quick search, apparentlyt Monday 21st October was national apple day while Saturday, 26th October was national pumpkin day, nicely book ending our half term here in Lancashire, for all who celebrate! But, for most of us blissfully unaware of these days,...

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Autumn’s true colours

Autumn’s true colours

After an enforced week indoors recently, I emerged to find that, all of a sudden, the trees were clothed in their glorious autumnal colours. The rich reds, oranges and golds are a spectacular reminder of God’s creativity, but have you ever wondered why the leaves...

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The Bread of Life

The Bread of Life

Harvest is upon us, the air is crisp, the trees are a kaleidoscope of autumnal shades, bedwelled spider’s webs sparkle in the low sunshine. These signposts herald the end of the summer growing season, that the harvest has been safely gathered in and the iconic harvest...

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That you may believe

That you may believe

Since leaving NISCU last year I’ve been very busy writing and, apart from the Bible, my most useful tool is the thesaurus. If you have ever looked for synonyms for the word “believe” you will find… accept, conclude, trust, understand, “take as gospel”. It’s ironic now...

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Enter the Kingdom like children

Enter the Kingdom like children

This week I’ve reflected on this passage of Jesus welcoming little children as I share about Niscu in a local church this morning. As we see Him bring them into his arms, we are not only called to do likewise but to enter the Kingdom like them. In fact, this is the...

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Next Saturday is International day of Peace, we have our one of our schools’ workers, Katy Hall, reflecting on peace. Sat around the campfire at Capernwray for our family holiday we sang the words “Stop, be still . . . My peace, Jesus says, I give to you, my peace.”...

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Education matters

Education matters

The second Sunday in September is always ‘Education Sunday’, and for those just back into work mode, that is this Sunday (8th September 24). What does ‘Education Sunday’ mean? It is a chance to celebrate ‘Education’ and all that it entails. Our privilege to be able to...

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And rest…

And rest…

'For anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.' Hebrews 4:10 NIV Busyness is one of the banes of modern life, if we are not doing, we are wasting time. Or, keep them busy, then they won’t get into trouble. It’s frenetic, it’s...

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