Parents Blog


Christian Identity

I recently came across a set of talks by Tim and Kathy Keller on the subject of identity, available here: Why is this important for schools workers, for youth and children’s workers and...

The Lost (Australian) Sheep

  Hello Friends, My Name is Andrew McDonough. I’m from Australia. I draw, write and create resources for sharing Jesus with kids in the church and out in the community. Last month, while visit the UK, I popped in on the NISCU staff retreat. We ate...

NISCU New Wine

It has been a sad week as we say 'good bye' to our NISCU/New Wine interns on completion of their internship. A fun year, ups and downs, lots of laughs and we have had the privilege of seeing these young people mature and learn more about following Jesus. They have...

Wanted! workers for the harvest

Wanted: workers for the harvest  I once used a concordance to search in the Gospels for all the things that Jesus commanded us to pray. (You might think that ‘commanded’ is a bit strong, Well, if your commanding officer makes a suggestion it’s a wise person who...


Unity is a synergy, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It’s also costly. Are we willing to embrace the cost, in order to know the blessing of the presence of the Lord?

Silly or Serious?

Have you ever played that game beloved of youth pre-shows where you have to choose one of two alternatives? How about these: Star Wars or Star Trek? Well, nowhere in the Bible can I find a text that says ‘may the force be with you’, but Deut 5:33 does say ‘live long...

Silly Season

How has your summer been? I know that many of the young people across our area have been having a great time, attending all kinds of christian camps and festivals. Soul Survivor alone has seen well over 1200 young people come to Christ over five weeks this summer, how...