Charles Francis Adams, son of U.S. President John Quincy Adams was a diplomat to Great Britain. On one occasion he wrote in his diary: “Went fishing with my son today–a day wasted.”

His son, Brooks, wrote this entry for the same day: “Went fishing with my father–the most wonderful day of my life.”

I wonder how many times you have tried to spend time with your heavenly Father, but come away feeling like it was time wasted. You didn’t feel a connection, you felt like God was not speaking, or only in ways you couldn’t understand, or God was speaking but not telling you what you wanted to hear.

Or how many times have you put off spending time with God because you have too many other things to do, and although you know it’s important, it doesn’t seem like it will help as much as just getting some stuff done?

But for God, when we spend time with him it is never wasted. He loves to commune with us, through his word, his world, through joyous noise and peaceful silence, for a pause in a busy day, or for long hours whilst fishing.

You may also struggle to spend time with God because of unhelpful memories of your own Father, but although there are few examples of good fatherhood in the Bible, God is always exalted as the best Father, who knows our needs, rightly disciplines us and encourages us always.

“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” 1 John 3:1

Whatever your experience of Fatherhood, may you be inspired by our heavenly Father and seek to demonstrate his compassion, guidance and love to those you know.