We can not doubt how creative God is – if we just STOP and take notice of the world around us. The absolute wonder of CREATION.

Still your heart and mind with a deep breath in and out.

Bring to recollection the sight of the mighty, majestic mountain, or the simple yet complex daisy.

Or the sounds of the babbling brook chattering on its journey to the sea.

Or the evocative scent of baking bread, brewing coffee and freshly cut grass.

Or the sweet joyous taste of a ripe strawberry.

Or the soft, light touch of a delicate feather.

God is the master creator – He made it all and then went on to make us in HIS own image.

So, God created human beings in his own image.

‘In the image of God, He created them’.  Genesis1:27 (NLT)


Therefore, it follows on, if we are made in Gods image and He is creative – so must we be!

The usual cry goes out about now,” I can’t draw!” – being creative is so much more.

Being creative is anything from…

Kicking a ball, riding a bike, doing a maths equation, dancing, singing, making music, writing, baking, gardening, Lego modelling, drawing, painting, knitting and weaving – the list goes on.

So, what can you do today to be creative like your heavenly Father as an act of worship?

Remember God delights in you; talk to Him, ask him to show you, what part of you to express creatively. Remember to say – I can and I will!

For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty saviour. He will delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.  Zephaniah3:17(NLT)

Go on, be creative and worship the living God.
