Isaiah 45:3

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. NIV.

I’ve been thinking about hidden treasure lately. I don’t mean pirate treasure (although that would be fun to search for!) but treasure of all kinds in our lives. This verse tells us that not only does God call us by name (incredible, mind blowing!) but that he has all kinds of hidden treasures and riches for us!

Near my house there is a beautiful, old cemetery. It was our place to walk as a family during lock down and it continues to be a favourite place for a walk for me now. This is because five or six deer live here and it gives me joy every single time to spot one. The thing is, they are hidden really well. I have to slow down my pace and my movements, look around and look carefully. Even during the winter months with less foliage on the trees, they are well camouflaged. For me, these deer are treasure to spot as I walk and talk to God. There are many things we can count as treasure. Our relationship with God, as we journey with Him and go deeper, will reveal more and more of His riches of love, joy, grace, peace and so much more, often in unexpected places! These things will help us to know God more.

What treasures does He have in store for this year?

Let us seek out the treasure and riches that God has for us – let us be treasure hunters in God!

Esther Blake, Schools’ Worker