Together they:

Today’s Verse

And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshipped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Matthew 14:22-23(NIV)

Today’s thought:

What a story Peter has!

A story where he did something unbelievable. A story of Jesus’ incredible desire to see humanity share in His Godliness, and even when we don’t quite make it, He still saves us and gently encourages us to grow. And here at the end, we see again a lovely testimony of Jesus and Peter climbing into the boat together.

For me this is the true miracle of this story, the ‘together they’. It is incredible that God would include us, me and you, in His story.

It leads me to wonder if I should consider not only the situation for our young people and how they can trust in Jesus, but how do I, in my busy life, in my buffeted and windy life, step out of my boat and simply say to Jesus – ‘Lord I come’.

The children and young people in your community need more people like you, who love Jesus, and are prepared to step out of our lives, and help them in theirs. They need to meet you (obviously safeguarded!) to ask you questions (sometimes hard…sometimes easy), to see you succeed, to see you fail, and to see you cry out to Jesus ‘Lord save me’.

How do we expect them to find out that Jesus will ‘immediately reach out His hand’ unless we have shown them?

How will they see us succeed, even in our failure, how will they see us ‘climb back into the boat’ together, unless we show them, and include them in our difficult lives?

When we do we see the same as the end here…‘those in the boat worshiped Him’, not just Peter!!! And together saying Truly you are the Son of God”.


Today’s prayer:

Today, let’s come to our Father, our Lord, our Saviour and our Master and say ‘Lord I come’. Give him time to show you where you can ‘step out of the boat’.

Pray that He would raise up a people, prepared to go and meet children and young people, and that they would respond to hearing, and seeing Jesus reaching out his hand to save those in need.

Form all the team at NISCU, thank you for joining with us this week – May God bless you.