The second Sunday in September is always ‘Education Sunday’, and for those just back into work mode, that is this Sunday (8th September 24).

What does ‘Education Sunday’ mean?

It is a chance to celebrate ‘Education’ and all that it entails. Our privilege to be able to receive a free Education (in the UK) should never be taken for granted. Our teachers, head teachers and all school staff should be celebrated, remembered and thanked for all their hard work in school (and at home). But most of all it is a chance to remember those in Education, both young and old, giving them recognition and a sense of belonging in our churches, particularly for our children and young people.

Psalm 32:8 reminds us that education is different to knowledge. Knowledge ‘I will be there to instruct you and teach you’ is useful, but education, learning how to use that knowledge, ‘in the way we should go’ is essential. Like many of our staff in school, God teaches us because He cares for us. He cares for you, me, and the many pupils in our many schools, ‘I will counsel you with my loving eye on you’. How incredible and amazing is that! Just spend a few moments thinking about it.

So, this Education Sunday, we can show our children and young people again that we care for them and their education, beyond just teaching them knowledge but by simply recognising them (many church congregations could probably even do that by individual names!). We can wish them well through their school year, and pray for them and our incredible school staff who really need our support.

For further information about how you could pray for your pupils, see the ‘Let’s Pray’ document on the NISCU home page (

Nick Klein, CEO