This week I’ve reflected on this passage of Jesus welcoming little children as I share about Niscu in a local church this morning. As we see Him bring them into his arms, we are not only called to do likewise but to enter the Kingdom like them. In fact, this is the only way we are called to enter His Kingdom. The demographic of God’s people we are called to imitate is little children. So not only are we to welcome them, teach them and disciple them, we must also take the time to learn from them.

What does it mean to enter the Kingdom as a child? Firstly, the children we meet are hungry to learn. Often the questions and conversations I get to have with children are the ones that stretch me the most.

Children understand the simplicity of the gospel and are ready to receive good gifts. In the gospel, we have the most incredible gift but as adults we often like to overcomplicate things. Children know how to make requests and know how to receive gifts freely.

Children are bold in what they believe. I’ve known children who have faithfully and persistently prayed for and boldly talked to friends in their classes about Jesus. Now, as Niscu, we get to go into these classes and join their journey. Children are not just our mission field, they are an integral part of our mission team.

Little children are dependant and totally helpless. As we all are. Children know their need and ask for help. Around 95% of children in our communities are not yet connected with a local church but they are in schools, hungry to learn, ready to receive and bold in what they believe. Let’s learn to be the same.

Abi Andrews, Schools Worker