Harvest is upon us, the air is crisp, the trees are a kaleidoscope of autumnal shades, bedwelled spider’s webs sparkle in the low sunshine. These signposts herald the end of the summer growing season, that the harvest has been safely gathered in and the iconic harvest loaf has been made.

That harvest loaf made me ponder on how bread has historically been an important part of our diets. So, when Jesus tells us He is “the bread of life”, does that mean Jesus is like that warm crusty loaf fresh out of the oven or even the contemporary pitta bread.

Of course not, but He is telling us something very cool.


It tells us in the bible that we all have a God-shaped hole in our lives that needs filling. We will search and look for all sorts of things to fill that hole; friends, social media, shopping, the accumulation of things, the list goes on. However, these things will never satisfy, they will leave us empty; they promise much but deliver little.

We need Jesus to fill that hole.

Like when you have that piece of warm bread dripping with butter when you’re hungry it fills you up.

Jesus says I am the bread of life so fill your life up with me.


We can fill our lives up with Jesus by meditating on the truth of God’s son coming to fix our broken friendship with God, dying on the cross for our sins. He took our place, our punishment. He conquered death and rose again, assuring us of a place in heaven.

So challenge yourself this harvest season to daily spend time with Jesus by reading the Bible and chatting to Him in prayer.


Remember to fill up on Jesus in this harvest season.