It’s great when people share their stories about what NISCU has meant to them or to their children, how it has impacted their faith and enabled them to grow in their understanding and walk with God.

This is one such story we received just this week:

“The NISCU summer camp was a highlight of my three children’s year, often dictating family plans! Through it they grew in faith and developed relationships with peers from many schools which have extended beyond their school years. Opportunities for Christian leadership blossomed from the encouragement of the NISCU leaders, and then when they were back in school, where their faith was tested, the regular contact from those NISCU staff equipped them to continue to grow and witness. I have no doubt that my children’s developing faith now that they are living independent lives all around the country is credit in no small way to the nurturing support of NISCU.”

We realise what a privilege we have to be working with children and young people, having that opportunity to sow something of value into their lives. It’s all about Jesus of course.

We invite you all to share your own stories of NISCU and your faith in God – send us an email to  And please tell us if it’s OK for us to use your story on our website so we can spread the good news of what God is doing.

We look forward to hearing from you!