by central | Apr 19, 2017 | Parents, youth and church leaders
The Resurrection Easter is such a wonderful opportunity for us as the church. Paul said “if Christ has not been raised…we are of all people most to be pitied” (1Cor15:17,19 ESV). So many people, even those who seem quite genuine about embracing some...
by central | Mar 27, 2017 | Schools Ministry, Vision
So what is our vision? Much of what I’m saying here is from our NISCU experience, although you may find it relevant for each of us as Christians, and together as a church… something to think about. Those of you that have been in and around NISCU for any period of time...
by central | Mar 20, 2017 | Schools Ministry
Imagine for a moment. Your child comes home from school and tells you that they had an Imam in school today and they have decided to become a Muslim. Or, as actually happened in our family, your Year 4 child says he’s not happy to do that yoga class at school....
by central | Mar 14, 2017 | Schools Ministry
Schools are places of education. That is what we expect when we send our children there. They will be taught all sorts of useful things, pass exams, and generally be prepared with skills and knowledge to make their way in the modern world. Religion has no place in...
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