Faith and Doubt:

Today’s Verse

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14:29-31(NIV)

Today’s thought:

Now, I would imagine many of us have heard this story, have heard many sermons, and many views on Peter’s faith and his doubt. And still…

We don’t know how far he walked before he was afraid.

We do know that when he was afraid he cried out to Jesus.

We also know that Jesus, despite Peter’s doubt, still saved him.

It would seem to me that the world in which our children and young people find themselves born into is now a very scary place to live. Many of them are afraid, living in fear. Fear of peer pressure, fear of physical and emotional abuse, fear when online and fear in person.

A world where they are constantly buffeted by the waves, where the winds always seem against them.

A world where some reach out in faith and can sometimes feel themselves beginning to sink.

Well, what is the solution in this troubled world? The same as it ever was. When we cry out to Jesus “Lord save me”, there is still an immediate response from Him.

There is still a hand that reaches down.

There is still a strong arm ready to catch us and pull us up.

There is still a heart that does not judge our lack of faith, and a voice that questions

“Why did you doubt?”


Today’s prayer:

If you have a moment today, why not walk around your community and let your thoughts and prayers ‘mull over’ in your head as you walk.

If there is a school why not spend a moment stood outside in the quiet to pray and cry out yourself to Jesus for a lost community of children and young people.